2011年10月10日 星期一

Wozniak (沃茲尼克) - Tearfully Remembers His Friend Steve

Steve Wozniak是跟Steve Jobs一起創辦蘋果電腦的老戰友,我很喜歡Wozniak,因為當初的蘋果原型機就是由他一手打造的,在那個連電晶體都不存在的時代,他能做出一台可以寫程式的家用電腦,實在讓我太佩服,在Jobs過世的這段日子有無數的表示慰問的訊息,但是唯一讓我最有感覺的其實是這位大師所提及的Jobs,這是一個真正認識青少年時期的Jobs的人,雖然他們最後漸行漸遠,我想當初的記憶是永遠不會被抹滅的...

I was so stunned because I have very dramatic memories of where I was when the Beatles were on Ed Sullivan (The Ed Sullivan Show), when I hear the J.F.K. had been shot, and this – I’ll never get this memory out of my head just where I was getting a phone call from a reporter and they just said: “Have you heard the news?” And I instantly knew what that meant. And that was just a total shock! Like, what do you say. It’s like the world lost a John Lennon. I mean, Steve was clearly the most outstanding business thinker and almost everybody whose high up in the technology business recognized that somehow he had the ability to think out new ways of doing things, not just ways to improve what we have, or do a better version or something, but do it in a totally different way, that the world would swing towards. And then I think back to just all the times we had together, very very good times that you have when you’re young, you know, playing around with the systems and ah, little misbehavior, and doing interesting things, and then, and then he was always thinking about certain technology, the early products that got developed, the building parts, what those might led to in our future, and he was always pushing me as an engineer could you possibly add this some day, could you possibly add that some day. Yes, yes, yes, thinking: “No, it’s way way off”. But eventually we all did. We went into the garage when we were two young people with no money. You have to work out of your home. We had jobs on the side. We had nobody that could loan us money. We had no business experience. We were like a million young people who were so excited about the future they might have some day in business making something just out of their idea, that’s what we were. And over and over, all the products of Apple from iPhones and iPads, iPods, umm, these were just unbelievable life changers and almost everyone who had the technology gots – looks at Steve Jobs, where did he get the ideas to do it the right way. We were just the lucky partnership. He was lucky to have me in the beginning, but I am – much – you know, incredibly lucky to him for everything in my life. He gets a reputation for being a strong leader and being brash but to me he was just always so kind, such a good friend, and ah, I’m just gonna miss him.

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