2011年10月19日 星期三


從成功嶺上下來已經一年了,在這個世界級的公司裡面待了一年,也漸漸明瞭到什麼是業界,什麼是你必須在公司重視的事情,什麼該做什麼不該做, 很多的淺規則,不是從書上得知就真的是那樣,要用你的身體和智慧去感受(笑),從剛開始到公司的三個月,相當的悠閒,到後來趕project沒日沒夜的熬夜, 我只能說人類的學習速度很快,抗壓性也很強大,所以才能產生出那麼多所謂的"文明"吧。 

以前聽別人說再大公司裡面學的比較少,而我倒是不能完全的贊同,雖然公司明文條例的規定不能搞公司政治或是結黨,但是根據人類生活的準則,這些都是不可避免的,換作成上面的人,不知道誰才是真正挺你的人,那種不知道工作分配下去能否完成的壓力,其實是相當巨大的,難怪好幾個主管都胃潰瘍,而這些鬥爭造成公司裡面一齣又一齣的悲劇,而且這些悲劇一開始都是被包裝得很好的,有些沒在做事情,你恨得牙癢癢的人,反而得到最好地待遇,老闆還很感謝他,有時候感覺在這裡為什麼生存(或是功勞),就是要不擇手段的鬥掉別人,一開始我很不能苟同,明明都是在同一家公司,居然不是為了公司賺錢,而是為了個人利益出發, 讓我很討厭這種大公司的模式,在這裡看到一些混水摸魚的高手,說話顛三倒四,迷倒了老闆,卻不知道這就是國王的新衣,等到真的上街了,搞不好國王還不知道呢,不過就算不知道也沒關係,大公司就是有這種氣度和能力容納下面不重要的部門亂搞,因為把公司搞倒的機率比較小。 

不過就整體而言,把公司內部想成一個商場之間競爭的關係,往往也是這樣,不同的部門間沒有絕對的朋友或是敵人,跨部門合作往往是最具有挑戰性的, 一來你要把工作完成,二來你要懂得防禦別人的攻擊,萬一哪個環節爛掉了,你一定要有收拾的能力,不能傻傻的相信對方,我很感謝老天爺把我安排到這個部門, 其實我一定算是運氣比較好的,我的主管和主管的主管都相當好,同事也都很nice(不過看不慣最上面老闆的人太多,走了好多人,我好傷心...),但是同坐一艘船, 一起看著外面的風風雨雨,真的是挺刺激的,就不用說其他部門的,還有可以被船長陰,叫你自己下去游泳或是補船身的,我有點開心卻也有點哀傷,不過總而言之, 我會繼續加油的,撐下去就是我的!

2011年10月10日 星期一

Wozniak (沃茲尼克) - Tearfully Remembers His Friend Steve

Steve Wozniak是跟Steve Jobs一起創辦蘋果電腦的老戰友,我很喜歡Wozniak,因為當初的蘋果原型機就是由他一手打造的,在那個連電晶體都不存在的時代,他能做出一台可以寫程式的家用電腦,實在讓我太佩服,在Jobs過世的這段日子有無數的表示慰問的訊息,但是唯一讓我最有感覺的其實是這位大師所提及的Jobs,這是一個真正認識青少年時期的Jobs的人,雖然他們最後漸行漸遠,我想當初的記憶是永遠不會被抹滅的...

I was so stunned because I have very dramatic memories of where I was when the Beatles were on Ed Sullivan (The Ed Sullivan Show), when I hear the J.F.K. had been shot, and this – I’ll never get this memory out of my head just where I was getting a phone call from a reporter and they just said: “Have you heard the news?” And I instantly knew what that meant. And that was just a total shock! Like, what do you say. It’s like the world lost a John Lennon. I mean, Steve was clearly the most outstanding business thinker and almost everybody whose high up in the technology business recognized that somehow he had the ability to think out new ways of doing things, not just ways to improve what we have, or do a better version or something, but do it in a totally different way, that the world would swing towards. And then I think back to just all the times we had together, very very good times that you have when you’re young, you know, playing around with the systems and ah, little misbehavior, and doing interesting things, and then, and then he was always thinking about certain technology, the early products that got developed, the building parts, what those might led to in our future, and he was always pushing me as an engineer could you possibly add this some day, could you possibly add that some day. Yes, yes, yes, thinking: “No, it’s way way off”. But eventually we all did. We went into the garage when we were two young people with no money. You have to work out of your home. We had jobs on the side. We had nobody that could loan us money. We had no business experience. We were like a million young people who were so excited about the future they might have some day in business making something just out of their idea, that’s what we were. And over and over, all the products of Apple from iPhones and iPads, iPods, umm, these were just unbelievable life changers and almost everyone who had the technology gots – looks at Steve Jobs, where did he get the ideas to do it the right way. We were just the lucky partnership. He was lucky to have me in the beginning, but I am – much – you know, incredibly lucky to him for everything in my life. He gets a reputation for being a strong leader and being brash but to me he was just always so kind, such a good friend, and ah, I’m just gonna miss him.